
Matt Pepe

Behold the legend, the original frog with thug life glasses that has captivated the hearts of meme enthusiasts across the globe. Presenting Matt Pepe, the ultimate tribute to the real father of Pepe, Matt Furie.

In a world where legends rise and fall, Matt Pepe stands tall, igniting a fire within the hearts of crypto enthusiasts. He transcends mere existence and embodies the very essence of perseverance and boundless ambition.
Embrace the audacity to dream big and witness the unrivaled achievements of Matt Pepe, the epitome of success. He didn’t just set the bar, he is the bar against which all meme coins are measured.

The Ultimate

Meme Coin

Matt Pepe, the ultimate meme coin, stands proud as a heartfelt tribute to the real father of Pepe, Matt Furie. As the visionary creator of the iconic Pepe the Frog, Matt Furie laid the foundation for a global phenomenon that gave birth to countless internet memes, representing humor, freedom of expression, and unity among diverse communities.

Matt Pepe, born out of admiration and reverence for Matt Furie’s artistic brilliance, aims to carry forward his legacy by embodying the spirit of inclusivity, absurdity, and all things Pepe. With a profound connection between Matt Pepe and Matt Furie, this coin brings together the worlds of art, cryptocurrency, and meme culture to create a one-of-a-kind online community that celebrates the profound creativity of its namesake.

The Possibilities

are infinite

By infusing the spirit of Pepe and many other legendary meme coins, let’s redefine what’s possible in the meme coin galaxy through our very own creation, Matt Pepe. Every transaction made with $MTP is an ode to the unwavering ambition, tenacity, and OG swagger that embodied.

 Join us, dear friends, as we embark on a financial revolution, forging ahead to unprecedented heights while supporting our beloved frog. Together, we’ll reach for the stars, outpace galaxies, and leave behind a legacy that will echo through time. With Matt Pepe, the possibilities are infinite – seize this opportunity and be part of our cosmic journey!

What makes us


Uniting for Greatness: Embark on a remarkable journey with us as we propel Matt Pepe and the artistic legacy of Matt Furie to unparalleled heights within the crypto world. Together, we create crypto history.

A Tribute to the Father of Pepe

Matt Pepe is a heartfelt homage to the real father of Pepe, Matt Furie, celebrating his iconic creation and keeping his legacy alive.

Embracing Authenticity

Our community comprises true Pepe enthusiasts who deeply appreciate the original essence and charm of Matt Furie's artwork.

Passionate and United

Join a devoted community of Matt Pepe supporters who share your love for the OG creator and his timeless work.

Active Engagement

As a Matt Pepe holder, your voice matters. Participate in shaping the future of the project by having a say in decisions and proposals.

An Independent Journey

$MTP stands tall as an independent project, free from any affiliations with other Pepe-related tokens or ventures.

Transparency and Communication

We believe in fostering open and honest communication with our community, ensuring your involvement, and keeping you well-informed.

Uniting for



Together, we create crypto history.